The Winner is ... The Sims!

Thursday, February 1, 2001 - 22:00

This year was a great year for The Sims. But don't take our word for it... read it yourself at

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The true brilliance of The Sims is the fact that the game can be played a thousand different ways, depending upon your tastes as a gamer. If you want to be a hollow movie star who uses his or her friends as a way of getting ahead, you can be that character. Or you can be the ultimate social butterfly, the neighbor that everyone loves and cares about. And for the truly deranged, you can even be a complete pyscho, imprisoning and slowly starving to death everyone in the neighborhood. The fact that the possibilities for this game are limitless, combined with the fact that the game never truly ends, makes it no surprise that The Sims is Game of the Year for 2000.

The choice for Game of the Year was a tough one, and people were very passionate about their picks. In the end, though, we almost unanimously agreed that The Sims was the most innovative, fun, and playable game we had seen in some time. Fans of almost any genre could get into it, and we loved the variety of ways to play the game (yes, some of us were evil in our Sim-ian ways). In the end, it was the perfect game to take us into the next millennium. This game had endless replay value, and it still took up a healthy amount of our time, even though it was released early in the year.

--The Gamecenter editors

