Spring Downloads

Friday, March 31, 2006 - 23:10

Step into spring with The Hippity Hoppity Bunny Suit and Chick Hat.

Check Out The Spring Items

The Sims 2Happy Spring from The Sims 2!
Our very own MaxoidMonkey has created some official Sims 2 approved downloads for our community. Help your Sims step into Spring with the Hippity Hoppity Bunny Suit or Easter Chick Hat.
The Sims 2Easter Chick Hat
Easter wasn't always about candy eggs! Long ago Sims would celebrate with elaborate headdresses designed by participants. However, many of the designs were deemed "too threatening." Therefore the local council settled on the least offensive animal to adorn every hat -- the chicken. This decision did not fare well with the populace and the tradition soon drifted into obscurity.
Download The Easter Chick Hat
The Sims 2Hippity Hoppity Bunny Suit
The Hippity Hoppity Bunny Suit is the dreaded gift from your "dearest" aunt. The costume your mother always makes you wear for photos and family gatherings. Oh, the humiliation!
Download The Hippity Hoppity Bunny Suit

