
16 Jun 2005 - 23:20

The Sims 2Today a lot of people will hear whether or not they graduated. Do you know someone who graduated, and do you want to send this person a lovely card?

Then go to the e-cards, for a new e-card, a very special card for the graduates!

EA would like to congratulate everyone who graduated!

Click here to go to the e-cards.

16 Jun 2005 - 23:10

We have added 2 more cards to The Sims 2 Post Office! Now you can send a birthday card to your friend or invite people to your next party. Cheers!

Send More Cards!

The Sims 2 The Sims 2
16 Jun 2005 - 23:00

Questions about Nightlife? Read the transcripts of our chat with Tim LeTourneau, Hunter Howe, and Lyndsay McGaw from Thursday, June 16th.


maxiskane (Jun 16, 2005 6:06:43 PM)
Welcome to The Sims 2 Nightlife Chat! Today we'll be focusing on all your questions about Nightlife. Joining us today are some members of The Nightlife team, Tim LeTourneau, Lyndsay McGaw, and Hunter Howe. This chat will last 30 minutes. Welcome Tim, Lyndsay and Hunter!

Kayla (Jun 16, 2005 6:06:54 PM)

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:06:54 PM)

MerrySim13 (Jun 16, 2005 6:07:28 PM)
Are there really going to be cars in the game that you can use?

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:07:28 PM)
Yep, yep, yep

cherryish367 (Jun 16, 2005 6:07:43 PM)
will there be any new objects catered to kids, toddlers, and babies?

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:07:43 PM)
there are some fantastic new toddlers outfits. You can have the cutest little animal caps... awwwwww

simsfreak4evezl (Jun 16, 2005 6:08:19 PM)
Are their going to be any new food on nitelife

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:08:19 PM)
There are many new foods. All the restaurant food is special and unmakable at home. I enjoy the Lime Seared Prawns.

alohachick759 (Jun 16, 2005 6:08:32 PM)
I have a question to ask from someone else...will there be circular stairs and elevators?

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:08:32 PM)
Not in this pack, but we know you guys want em

Sims_Luver (Jun 16, 2005 6:09:44 PM)
Are there any new interactions in the nightlife\/

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:09:44 PM)
absolutely, you sims will be able to talk about new things, flirt at dinner, ask other sims what they want or fear.. many new ways to see what your friends are thinking.

Jixs (Jun 16, 2005 6:09:52 PM)
Will Vampires be playable and will they have unique qualities that normal sims don’t have?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:09:52 PM)
Allow me to tell you of the exciting vampires. Yes, they're totally playable, like aliens or zombies from University. You can bite other Sims and turn them into vamps. Also, you have no motive decay at night! Yes! Although, you do burn in the daytime out in the sun. That's no fun at all.

Kataks3 (Jun 16, 2005 6:10:01 PM)
What is going to be different in Nightlife compared to HOT Date, besides cars?

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:10:01 PM)
The Dating is completely different, new Pleasure Aspiration, Bowling Alleys, Turn Ons and Turn offs, etc...

TSZChEeTaH (Jun 16, 2005 6:10:15 PM)
Will the Hub make it to Nightlife, or was it just made for demos?

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:10:15 PM)
the hub will be there in all of it's Hub-bish glory. Maybe even some new stuff thrown in Wink

AngelBaby (Jun 16, 2005 6:10:34 PM)
What's the deal with Vampires? Do we get to marry them or what not?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:10:34 PM)
They're totally Sims. Marryable and everything.

cherryish367 (Jun 16, 2005 6:10:49 PM)
will there be new food you can cook at home or new takeout foods?

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:10:49 PM)
Crepe Suzette, for a romantic dessert. Plus tons of new restaurant food

BCD (Jun 16, 2005 6:10:51 PM)
How is Mrs. Crumplebottom going to work? She's Mortimer's aunt and he's nearly dead himself when the game starts.

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:10:51 PM)
This is actually a distant relative of the original Mrs. Crumplebottom. the family has strong genes...

Nina (Jun 16, 2005 6:11:32 PM)
can vampires procreate?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:11:32 PM)
Yep. They would be very bad vampires if they didn't.

maxiskane (Jun 16, 2005 6:11:53 PM)
This chat will last for 30 minutes.

Guest (Jun 16, 2005 6:12:19 PM)
I'm so excited that there are finally going to be cars in the game! I was wondering if the family owns a car, can adults/teens/elders in the same house carpool together if they go to work at the same time?

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:12:19 PM)
Everyone can use the car at the same time if they all have jobs at the same time. But they can also have multiple cars and you can pick who owns each

numbdelirium (Jun 16, 2005 6:12:20 PM)
Any new NPCs?

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:12:20 PM)
we have a bunch of new characters to interact with downtown. There's not-so-pleasant Mrs. Crumplebottom, a new matchmaker, some exciting possible dates, DJs, waiters and waitresses, professional chefs...

Zainethebrain (Jun 16, 2005 6:13:02 PM)
Will there be any more locations in which to "Woohoo" such as cars?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:13:02 PM)
What kind of cars would they be if you couldn't WooHoo in them? Who knows what happens in there, with those fogged up windows. Also, things can get pretty steamy in the photo booth.....

robyn200511 (Jun 16, 2005 6:13:15 PM)
can you marry mrs.crumplebottom?

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:13:15 PM)
she likes to hit people with her purse... marriage really isnt' such a great idea...

thesims2000127 (Jun 16, 2005 6:13:50 PM)
What is the BEST thing in Nightlife that you guys HAVENT told us yet?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:13:50 PM)
Flying around in bat form. Yeah, Vampires can be bats. It's pretty much the best thing ever. You can even fly over tables and stuff.

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:14:25 PM)
I'll also note to those of you concerned about vampires invading your game: it's our goal to make vampires totally avoidable if you dont want to play with them.

morbidjunkie9 (Jun 16, 2005 6:14:25 PM)
is there new hairstyles in the expansion?

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:14:25 PM)
yep! there are new cool out-on-the town hairstyles

SimmyGrrl01 (Jun 16, 2005 6:14:51 PM)
does Mrs. Crumplebottom do anything new since The Sims 1?

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:14:51 PM)
I've heard she really likes to go bowling...

faliure2all (Jun 16, 2005 6:15:36 PM)
Will you have to buy gas for your Sims' cars, or will they always be filled?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:15:36 PM)
They run on intern fusion reactors. They run on an endless supply of water. Thusly, they require little to no maintenance. They are also environmentally sound and will not pollute your neighborhood.

remaniaz (Jun 16, 2005 6:15:40 PM)
what;s in the purse of mrs crumplebottom..

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:15:40 PM)
Magical mystical things.... and crochet.

Yamboni (Jun 16, 2005 6:15:54 PM)
Hey! I was wondering... Will sims be more willing to accept romance interactions on dates and will you have to know a sim well to go on a date with them, or will they possiblly accept even if you just met them that night?

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:15:54 PM)
Well this is were attraction is really powerful. 2 Sims that are really attracted to one another will be able do higher level socials earlier in their relationship.

i can teenagers use cars? (Sorry i just got ther if u already answered it, if u answered it dont answer mine)

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:16:08 PM)
yep, they sure can

TrepieNumberOne (Jun 16, 2005 6:16:22 PM)
do these downtown locations work like the university locations? in that you can connect multiple ones to one neighborhood?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:16:22 PM)
That is correct. Although there's only one big downtown we're shipping with the game, you can have unlimited downtowns associated with a neighborhood.

ryerye (Jun 16, 2005 6:16:33 PM)
Since you will be able to see the surrounding houses, will this slow down the game at all? Is there an option to turn it off?

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:16:33 PM)
You'll actually be able to turn them on or off; or turn off how many of them you see, it's completely adjustable.

missd (Jun 16, 2005 6:17:06 PM)
will we have garage doors for the garages we build?

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:17:06 PM)
Yeah, I personally think they are the coolest thing about the addition of cars, because you can now build garages as part of the house

Guest (Jun 16, 2005 6:18:04 PM)
What are the five cars types

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:18:04 PM)
Hatchback, Sedan, Pickup, Minivan, Sportscar.

franchise (Jun 16, 2005 6:18:22 PM)
Can teenagers go on dates?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:18:22 PM)

Guest (Jun 16, 2005 6:18:39 PM)
When bowling, who bowls? you or your sims?

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:18:40 PM)
Your Sims of course!

goldfishxofXdoom (Jun 16, 2005 6:18:46 PM)
about vampires. when you say they burn out in the sun do you mean die or just rapid motive decay?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:18:46 PM)
Their motives tank like crazy, and then they die if you dont get them out quick enough. The best place to send them is to your plush coffin bed.

abonnell2000 (Jun 16, 2005 6:20:12 PM)
In the booths, will you be able to cuddle, kiss, admire, play footsie, like in Hot Date?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:20:12 PM)
There are a bunch of nested interactions in the booths. You can cuddle, kiss, whisper sweet nothings...also, you can do a bunch of socials while dining. Stealing bites of food, throwing water in face...

JPWatt (Jun 16, 2005 6:21:55 PM)
While Slow Dancing can sims chat?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:21:56 PM)
They chat a little bit, but mostly they like the special romantic nested socials.

Chelsea (Jun 16, 2005 6:22:17 PM)
Wow a plush coffin bed sounds really cool! What other kinds of new items will there be?

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:22:17 PM)
Poker Table is really cool. Electrodance Sphere is awesome. And probably the best for hardcore players is the new Aspiration Reward - the ReNuYu-Senso Orb - it lets you change aspirations

sueleee1979 (Jun 16, 2005 6:22:39 PM)
how does the matchmaker work?

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:22:39 PM)
You can ask her to help find you a date. If you pay her well, you'll get a great date; if you don't pay enough, your date won't be as successful.

leo (Jun 16, 2005 6:22:41 PM)
is there any new features you are leaving as a suprise

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:22:41 PM)
Of course

titoangelk (Jun 16, 2005 6:23:04 PM)
Will we get new options for building like roof styles? What about stairs and fireplaces?

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:23:04 PM)
My favorite new tool for building are the half walls, you can make really cool new looks in your house.

abonnell2000 (Jun 16, 2005 6:23:07 PM)
If you have two sims with different jobs, but only one car.. Will the carpool arrive for one sim, or would you have to own two cars??

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:23:07 PM)
You need two cars for two different jobs. But if you only have 1 car, the carpool does show up.

Guest (Jun 16, 2005 6:24:30 PM)
what's going to be the biggest new interaction for our sims?

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:24:30 PM)
Slow Dancing - it rocks. Of course watching a group of them do "The Smustle" is up there too

msnaschev (Jun 16, 2005 6:24:37 PM)
There is a lot of speculation about so-called "half-walls" as a result of the pictures being shown. Will this actually be a new build tool available, or is it using the same constrainFloorElevation trick we've been using?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:24:37 PM)
No, it's a completely new build tool. They're awesome...we'll send out screenshots soon of some of the really cool ones. The ones that are half-wall, half glass. Those are my favorites!

ladeeda (Jun 16, 2005 6:24:40 PM)
What about pools, is it true you can make different shapes with them now?

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:24:40 PM)
You won't be limited to the plain rectangle anymore, we're letting the tool build diagonals; sort of like the foundation tool.

Else Oddysey (Jun 16, 2005 6:25:13 PM)
The original had aliens, University has zombies, Nightlife will have vampires . . . do I see a pattern here? Are you planning on including some tasty weirdness in every EP?

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:25:13 PM)
Gosh, I hope so

sims2005 (Jun 16, 2005 6:26:07 PM)
with university people complain about the male haircuts, are there more male haircuts in nightlife

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:26:07 PM)

TheAllKnowingWaffle (Jun 16, 2005 6:26:19 PM)
Will parents be able to drop their kids off to school?

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:26:19 PM)
Yep, how cool is that. No more worries about missing the bus.

silveredElation (Jun 16, 2005 6:26:49 PM)
Can you shed any more light on the new Pleasure Seeker aspiration? Some people think that it will be like the popularity and romance aspirations combined, but I'm thinking that it will be a little of everything.....?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:26:49 PM)
Pleasure Sims ARE a bit like popularity and romance, but they mostly like to see to their own physical happiness. They like to chill out around the house and take it easy, but they also love partying and going out for a good time. You never know what they're going to want. Happy

justintyme (Jun 16, 2005 6:28:19 PM)
will there be a karoake bar so the sims can make fools of themselves?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:28:19 PM)
Absolutely. You have no idea how bad the low creativity Sims sound. You're gonna pee. I mean it.

maxiskane (Jun 16, 2005 6:28:24 PM)
We have about seven minutes left.

The_Sim_Vlad (Jun 16, 2005 6:29:00 PM)
Are there any new music stations and new music in Nightlife?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:29:00 PM)
Lots of new music!

timeergirl89 (Jun 16, 2005 6:29:05 PM)
can you breed vamps?

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:29:05 PM)
Yes, but Vampirism is not genetic. It's viral.

TRoveda (Jun 16, 2005 6:29:32 PM)
will the extendable benches, and the bowling alley be avaliabe on residential lots.

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:29:32 PM)
yes, you can make your private bowling alley and extendable sofa.

jinshenka2000 (Jun 16, 2005 6:29:33 PM)
will there be a disco ball ?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:29:33 PM)
There are gobo-style ceiling lights, and rotating light balls. Lots of neon, too. It's a lighting wonderland. Also, there's a disco light floor.

kat (Jun 16, 2005 6:30:43 PM)
Will there be leather jackets?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:30:43 PM)
Yes. A few.

countrysim123 (Jun 16, 2005 6:31:02 PM)
Extendable sofas? Will that be like sectionals?

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:31:02 PM)
Yes, you can put the pieces together in L shapes, U shapes, zig zag shapes...

cookiebob5 (Jun 16, 2005 6:31:48 PM)
Will there be dirty blond hair finally?

MaxisMojo (Jun 16, 2005 6:31:48 PM)
By using the bodyshop you can make any color hair you like! Happy

TrepieNumberOne (Jun 16, 2005 6:31:50 PM)
about zodiac alignments. will it be absolutly neccesarry to find a date that aligns good with you. or could you make it work with enough effort with two sims that have opposing zodiacs?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:31:50 PM)
Even if badly aligned in some way (zodiac, personality, aspiration), you can make up for it with excelling in some other means. Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs are the strongest.

tyler (Jun 16, 2005 6:32:38 PM)

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:32:38 PM)

meatwad_is_hott (Jun 16, 2005 6:33:26 PM)
in uni, we had medievil n seventies. what types of themes in nightlife?

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:33:26 PM)
50's Diner, French Bistro, Nightclub, plus a lot of really powerful decorator objects and furniture

Dragonaball161 (Jun 16, 2005 6:33:37 PM)
Look better than Goopy, that's not saying much... Will their names be better, too?

simmasterfrannie (Jun 16, 2005 6:34:05 PM)
stop picking on Goopy

MaxisMojo (Jun 16, 2005 6:34:05 PM)
I'm with Simmasterfrannie! Stop picking on Goopy!

PlatformerMasta (Jun 16, 2005 6:34:14 PM)
Can you explain how the Turn-On and Turn-Off system works?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:34:14 PM)
You pick them in Create-A-Sim. Things like hair color, perfume use, fitness, vampirism...all of these (and more) can be a turn-on or a turn-off. If you match somebody well, it's much easier to climb the social ladder with them.

fekkdawg (Jun 16, 2005 6:34:28 PM)

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:34:28 PM)
We'll make sure Goopy knows he's got some fans out there. He cries often in his cube.

The_Sim_Vlad (Jun 16, 2005 6:35:25 PM)
How many new objects will be available in Nightlife? Is it more than University?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:35:25 PM)
Over 130, I believe.

Mackie (Jun 16, 2005 6:36:03 PM)
are turn-ons and turn-off genetic?

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:36:03 PM)
Nope. They are picked at teen-hood, like aspiration.

maxiskane (Jun 16, 2005 6:36:22 PM)
Our time is just about up now.

Trixie (Jun 16, 2005 6:36:41 PM)
will CHILDREN be allowed downtown????

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:36:41 PM)
Yeah, you can take them if you want to

hidergurl (Jun 16, 2005 6:36:41 PM)
Perfume use? Please elaborate on that.

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:36:41 PM)
You can buy perfume downtown, and put it on as an interaction on your Sim. Some Sims like it, some Sims don't. Happy

maxiskane (Jun 16, 2005 6:37:01 PM)
Thanks Tim, Hunter, and Lyndsay!

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:37:03 PM)
Thanks for chatting with us!

maxiskane (Jun 16, 2005 6:37:13 PM)
Thanks everyone for coming to the chat!

MaxisTim (Jun 16, 2005 6:37:19 PM)
Thanks guys, it was great to talk to you

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:37:21 PM)
Thanks for coming! We love you.

MaxisMojo (Jun 16, 2005 6:37:21 PM)
thanks everybody!

MaxisHunter! (Jun 16, 2005 6:37:26 PM)

MaxisLittleL (Jun 16, 2005 6:37:27 PM)
Bye *waves*

14 Jun 2005 - 23:00

On June 24th Tim LeTourneau will visit The Netherlands to give an exclusive demo of the new expansion pack The Sims 2 Nightlife.

Want to be there? You can! The Sims Community organizes a special meet-and-greet for a couple of community members!

Do you have a very special, creative or funny question for Tim? That question could be a winner, and you might be asking this question in person! The 10 members with the most unique questions will be invited by EA Netherlands to visit this special event.

On Friday, we'll add a special page where you can enter in this competition. On this page you'll read how you can enter your question for Tim. So keep an eye on this website!

13 Jun 2005 - 23:00

Now you can send a special graduation postcard to your friends from! More cards will be coming soon but you can get started by congratulating all the new grads. Summer is here!

Visit The Post Office

The Sims 2
1 Jun 2005 - 23:00

Get to know the site moderators! We have some fabulous moderators on the site who help other simmers in need, keep things running smoothly, moderate the boards, and help enforce the rules that Maxis has set up. Meet our SimMaster for June, SimMasterRalph!

Read the Interview

SimMaster of the Month: June 2005

Get to know the site moderators! The Sims 2 community is large and growing. We have some fabulous moderators on the site who help other simmers in need, keep things running smoothly, moderate the boards, and help enforce the rules that Maxis has set up. Our SimMasters are players just like you. Each month we'll be asking one of our SimMasters some questions so you can get to know them better.

This month we talk to June's SimMaster of the month, the crafty and clever SimMasterRalph!

Howdy SimMasterRalph. How long have you been a SimMaster?
I was created by Maxis at the same time they created The Sims 2.

What is your favorite part of the Sims 2?
The ability to create something (lots, Sims, stories, movies) and to share it with the community. No other game gives you such flexibility in terms of game play.

What is your favorite thing about being a SimMaster?
To be a main part of a community that shares the same passions.

What is one thing you've learned from being a SimMaster?
Patience. Also that nothing is personal, even if it may seem like it. It adapts well into real life situations where that angry sim that is yelling at you isn't mad at you, they just need to learn to UNCAP their yelling.

Finish this sentence: You know you're a Sims addict when...
Maxis selects you as a SimMaster :P

Any advice or tips for your fellow Simmers?
The values and knowledge that you learn from the BBS and the game will carry over to your life, even if you don't think so. One day you will look back fondly on those days when you played The Sims 2 and hung out on the virtual BBS; so make your memories memorable by enjoying your addiction.

Thanks for talking with us SimMasterRalph!

31 May 2005 - 08:32

Finally they're finished. I'm pretty happy with the result:

(Banner 468x60)

(Button 88x31)

So if you decide to link to SporeNetwork, now you can. You can also find these banners and buttons on the Links page Happy

26 May 2005 - 23:10

Greetings Everyone,

Well as you all now know, there was a lot of news last week on the The Sims 2 Nightlife. E3 was a huge success, and The Sims 2 was everywhere. On Nintendo Gamecube, Gameboy Advance and DS, Sony PS2 and PSP, Microsoft Xbox, and of course, the one that is near and dear to all of us, the PC. Electronic Arts had a huge 360 degree theatre where a video of The Sims 2 played – it was truly amazing to see. Will Wright was also there showing off his next project, Spore. It was a great show for Maxis.

In case you've been disconnected from the internet for the last week, I'll give you run down of what people got to see in The Sims 2 Nightlife demo:

§ Downtown: Cool locations like "The Hub," I built the demo lot myself. Dancing, dining, DJ Booth, bar, etc...
§ Dating and Attraction: "Scope Out" the room to find the Sims your Sim thinks are the most attractive, find out what their Turn Ons and Turn Offs are, then ask them for a date.
§ Cars: Yeah, finally!!! After 5 years, they finally can own them. Park them in the driveway, build a garage, and choose their color. No more missing the carpool.

Oh, and Mrs. Crumplebottom moved into the neighborhood too.

The Sims 2 Nightlife The Sims 2 Nightlife The Sims 2 Nightlife

I know there is a lot of stuff on the E3 demo already posted on a variety of sites, and you may have even seen me talking my way through the demo as well. But that's only a small part of what's in The Sims 2 Nightlife, so I thought I would share a few other things that I'm really excited about, and I think you will be too. I popped into the Pleasant house to take a few screens. Check out the rugs and the neighbors. Hope you like what you see.

The Sims 2 Nightlife The Sims 2 Nightlife The Sims 2 Nightlife

Talk to you soon.


E3 Traveler

26 May 2005 - 23:00

To see what the stars have in store for your Sims (and you!) take a look at what The Sims 2 Nightlife astrologer forecasts in your near future.

What's In Your Future?

June Horoscope

Spring is here and love is in the air. To see what the stars have in store for your Sims (and you!) take a look at what The Sims 2 Nightlife astrologer forecasts in your near future.

A mysterious stranger approaches you in an unusual social setting downtown. How? Where? We're not sure. Better hit all the hot spots in town and see what shakes down. We suggest starting at that trendy new lounge followed by a visit to the bistro.

Can't make up your mind about which love prospect to pursue? Make your move and see if you have what it takes to turn them on, or if they simply turn you off. Then take it up a notch and go on a date with each other to see how you click. You might find that the decision is easier than you thought it'd be.

You've been neglecting your friends in favor of a new love. Enough. Plan a girls' or guys' night out-the popular new nightclub looks promising. After a wild night on the prowl with your buddies you'll be wondering why you ever ditched them.

You're dying to show off your new wheels. Driving to work just isn't affording your car with the attention it-and you-deserve. Why not use it to take a date out on the town. Your stylish new car in a flashy color won't go unappreciated.

Yes, another night at home doing your housework can hurt. Pull yourself out of your compulsive cleaning rut and go out for some sexy slow dancing or exchange longing looks with an unknown Sim across the dance floor.

Take time this month to rev up your wardrobe and see if you can't kick your dating prospects into high gear.

Too many loves, too little time? If anyone can juggle it, you can. But beware of running into last night's love while out slow dancing with your new heartthrob.

Your popularity soars this month. Is it that hot new outfit, your ten-pin prowess at the lanes, or your perfectly executed dip kiss? Try them all to see which one seals the deal.

Even a shy Capricorn has to let go once in a while. Treat a friend to a tasty meal at the French Bistro where you just might meet that special Sim.

Always style-savvy and the star of the social scene, beware of instilling jealousy in a close friend who has eyes for one of your many admirers.

Sure you're a great friend, but live it up a little this month. Let your chronically brokenhearted friend cry on someone else's shoulder while you hit the town for a wild night out.

You may think you're in the driver's seat, but is your love life going anywhere? Rekindle that spark with a romantic session in your cutie's car.

25 May 2005 - 23:00

"This is a feature for the fans, something they've wanted for so long, and the team is just psyched to give it to them."

Read The Interview

The Sims 2 Nightlife Q&A: Cars Added to The Sims 2

Senior producer Tim LeTourneau reveals an all-new feature in this upcoming expansion pack.

Nightlife will be the second expansion pack for the highly popular life-simulator sequel, The Sims 2. And as we've just been informed, not only will the new expansion let everyone's favorite little computer people have a night on the town, but it will also let them jump into drivable automobiles. Senior producer Tim LeTourneau explains.

The Sims 2 NightlifeGameSpot: Tell us about why drivable cars were added to The Sims 2: Nightlife. Was it due to player demand, or was it a specific feature the team really felt was necessary for the expansion?

Tim LeTourneau: Both. This is a feature that Sims players have been requesting for five years, so we have always wanted to add them. Then you design an expansion pack about "getting your sims out of the house and out on the town." It's just a natural thing to include.

GS: Tell us about the role of drivable cars in the expansion. What can cars do, and what can't they do?

TL: Well these are Sims cars obviously. I don't want anyone to think we've made The Sims 2: Need for Speed, though wouldn't that be cool (imagine Mortimer Goth as a high-speed racer through SimCity!).

The cars really provide a time convenience, and saving time is what Sims players are always trying to do. Sims don't have to worry about missing the carpool anymore, and they don't have to wait for a cab either.

But the real power of cars is in storytelling by the player. They are such an important part of our own daily existence; they make the sims seem even more like us, which is always a design goal. The more that players can relate to the world of the Sims, the more we have done our job right.

GS: How will cars affect other aspects of gameplay? Will sims purchase more-expensive cars as they get better jobs? Will there be an actual professional driver career path? Any new practice skills associated with driving? Will driving a better car increase your sims' social standing or make your sims more attractive to other sims?

TL: Obviously not all cars are created equal, so yeah, more funds mean you can buy better models. We haven't added a driving skill, but as you can imagine, there is a lot of territory we can cover with cars, and like so many other features in the game, future expansions may provide even more to do with them.

For Nightlife, the car you drive definitely can affect how attractive you are to certain sims.

GS: What kind of customization options will be available?

TL: Customization isn't just about the cars themselves. You can select from different models and color choices. But you can also build garages and long driveways, so they also provide a whole new way for players to design and build houses--which for a lot of our players is their main focus of the game.

GS: Finally, is there anything else you'd like to add about the expansion's cars, or about Nightlife, or The Sims 2, in general?

TL: Cars are cool! I know that sounds lame, but the first time I saw a Sim leave his front door, walk to the driveway, hop in the front seat, back out onto the street, and then take off, I knew we had done something so right. This is a feature for the fans, something they've wanted for so long, and the team is just psyched to give it to them.

Of course there is a lot more to say about The Sims 2 and The Sims 2 Nightlife, but with E3 just a day away, I want there to be a few surprises revealed there.

GS: Thanks, Tim.


