
29 Jul 2004 - 23:20

Claire Curtin, one of our super-talented Game Designers, and Robi Kauker, our Audio Lead shed a little light on your favorite language, Simlish.

Hear Some Simlish!

A Quick Bit Of Simlish History

A certain species of geek may be quick to point out that Klingon is the fastest growing new language on the planet, but those of us involved in the making or playing of The Sims games know what the real score is – Simlish is enjoyed everyday by hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people! Will Wright knew how to keep the bar low on getting people fluent in the language of The Sims – give it emotion! Even though the language may lack formal structure, that doesn’t mean that recording all the vocal parts of the game was a slapdash, haphazard affair. No way! In fact, a tremendous amount of care and planning was required to get your Sims spouting the language we all know (sorta) and love. Here to shed a little light on the process is Claire Curtin, one of our super-talented Game Designers, and Robi Kauker, our Audio Lead. Take it away, Claire & Robi:

Claire Curtin Robi Kauker

With all the new updates and gameplay options in The Sims 2, there are several features that players of the original The Sims will recognize. One of the cornerstones of the Sims identity is the gibberish language we call Simlish. This time Simlish is back, with new voices representing each of the age ranges. We’ve included a few samples to give you a sneak preview.

A quick bit of Simlish history: when The Sims was originally designed Will Wright wanted the language the Sims spoke to be unrecognizable but full of emotion. That way, every player could construct their own story without being confined to a Maxis-written script (to say nothing of the mind-numbing repetition). We experimented with fractured Ukrainian (one of the original The Sims designers was a native speaker), and the Tagalog language of The Philippines. Will even suggested that perhaps we base the sound on Navajo, inspired by the code talkers of WWII. None of those languages allowed us the sound we were looking for – so we opted for complete improvisation, originated and performed by some SF Bay Area professional actors whose specialty was improv; Stephen Kearin and Gerri Lawlor.

So now it is five years since Simlish was born, and the tradition is carried on by an additional nine actors performing all the age range voices: baby, toddler, child, teen, adult and elder. The auditions were held January through May 2003 with over 100 actors from SF and LA trying out. We selected a highly talented cast and quickly got them to work recording many full 8 hour days, recording voice to over a hundred animations a day, resulting in thousands of takes a day.

With such a huge amount of voice data -- 40,620 samples at the moment -- our pre- and post- production processes have been streamlined to get the voice into the game so it can be listened to, assessed and either re-recorded (in rare cases) or hacked (constructed out of similar-sounding files) . Currently there are at least six Maxoids dedicated to getting the sound effects and voice in the game.

And even though I said Simlish is not a language per se, there are some common words that we directed all the actors to perform. If you listen closely, you’ll hear a word that means baby (nooboo), another for pizza (chumcha), and another phrase said during the Dirty Joke interaction that isn’t exactly defined, but just seemed to fit. That one was invented by Liz Mamorsky, our elder female voice.

Check out these samples!

(You’ll see what that means when he game comes out on Sept 17th)

29 Jul 2004 - 23:10

We have created a new set of wallpapers and posted them in the goodies section. Update your desktop with this latest touch of class.

I'm Ready To Re-Decorate!

The Sims 2 The Sims 2
The Sims 2 The Sims 2
29 Jul 2004 - 23:00

Winners from his contest were posted last week in the categories of Best Writer, Best Male/Female Character, Best Heros / Villains and more. This week, we feature the winner of "Best Album" as a Maxis Pick!

See Winners On The BBS!

24 Jul 2004 - 23:00

Greetings Sim Fans,

A certain species of geek may be quick to point out that Klingon is the fastest growing new language on the planet, but those of us involved in the making or playing of The Sims games know what the real score is – Simlish is enjoyed everyday by hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people! Will Wright knew how to keep the bar low on getting people fluent in the language of The Sims – give it emotion! Even though the language may lack formal structure, that doesn’t mean that recording all the vocal parts of the game was a slapdash, haphazard affair. No way! In fact, a tremendous amount of care and planning was required to get your Sims spouting the language we all know (sorta) and love. Here to shed a little light on the process is Claire Curtin, one of our super-talented Game Designers, and Robi Kauker, our Audio Lead. Take it away, Claire & Robi:


With all the new updates and gameplay options in The Sims 2, there are several features that players of the original The Sims will recognize. One of the cornerstones of the Sims identity is the gibberish language we call Simlish. This time Simlish is back, with new voices representing each of the age ranges. We’ve included a few samples to give you a sneak preview.

A quick bit of Simlish history: when The Sims was originally designed Will Wright wanted the language the Sims spoke to be unrecognizable but full of emotion. That way, every player could construct their own story without being confined to a Maxis-written script (to say nothing of the mind-numbing repetition). We experimented with fractured Ukrainian (one of the original The Sims designers was a native speaker), and the Tagalog language of The Philippines. Will even suggested that perhaps we base the sound on Navajo, inspired by the code talkers of WWII. None of those languages allowed us the sound we were looking for – so we opted for complete improvisation, originated and performed by some SF Bay Area professional actors whose specialty was improv; Stephen Kearin and Gerri Lawlor.

So now it is five years since Simlish was born, and the tradition is carried on by an additional nine actors performing all the age range voices: baby, toddler, child, teen, adult and elder. The auditions were held January through May 2003 with over 100 actors from SF and LA trying out. We selected a highly talented cast and quickly got them to work recording many full 8 hour days, recording voice to over a hundred animations a day, resulting in thousands of takes a day.

With such a huge amount of voice data -- 40, 620 samples at the moment -- our pre- and post- production processes have been streamlined to get the voice into the game so it can be listened to, assessed and either re-recorded (in rare cases) or hacked (constructed out of similar-sounding files). Currently there are at least six Maxoids dedicated to getting the sound effects and voice in the game.

And even though I said Simlish is not a language per se, there are some common words that we directed all the actors to perform. If you listen closely, you’ll hear a word that means baby (nooboo), another for pizza (chumcha), and another phrase said during the Dirty Joke interaction that isn’t exactly defined, but just seemed to fit. That one was invented by Liz Mamorsky, our elder female voice.

Check out these samples and see the talented Claire and Robi themselves!

The Sims 2 The Sims 2

Maishuno! (You’ll see what that means when he game comes out on Sept 17th)

22 Jul 2004 - 23:20

Play Poppit! on July 20-30th and you'll be entered for the chance to win The Sims™ Mega Deluxe plus other Sims expansion packs!

Play Poppit!

22 Jul 2004 - 23:10

Game reviewers were invited to EA last week for EA's Hot Summer Nights. See what they had to say after spending some time with The Sims 2 and don't miss the video interview with Lucy Bradshaw!

Go To
Go To
Go To

22 Jul 2004 - 23:00

We put together a special page of pictures just for you!

See Snapshots

Hot Summer Nights At EA

Here are some pictures of what happened at Hot Summer Nights last week.

Sit down and enjoy a margarita while Lucy gives you a personal tour of The Sims 2.

Tim, Lucy and Jonathan posing for the camera.

Demos, demos and more demos...all day long.

Here's The Sims 2 demo room, the bar is on the left in case you're wondering where to stop first.

It's the EA plumb-bob tree. Now you know where we got the idea for the game!

The highly desirable mens t-shirt...

..and of course a special version for the women.

21 Jul 2004 - 23:00

Vanaf 26 juli ligt het nieuwste nummer van de Power Unlimited, het populairste spellentijdschrift in de Benelux, in de winkels. In dit nieuwste nummer lees je alles over De Sims 2. En op kun jij als eerste al zien hoe het nieuwste nummer er uit gaat zien want wij hebben de cover al binnen!

Power Unlimited is het eerste spellenblad in de Benelux dat De Sims 2 al exclusief heeft kunnen spelen op het Nederlandse EA kantoor. Tijdens het bezoek hebben ze het spel flink kunnen testen, iets waarover je alles terug kunt lezen.

Daarnaast staat er een leuk interview in met Lucy, de producer van het spel. Ook vind je er een gesprekje met Isabelle de Meyer, een van onze bekendste Sims-members in terug.

De Sims 2
17 Jul 2004 - 23:00

Greetings, Sims Fans!

Yesterday was an EA event called Hot Summer Nights, and apart from the fact that it was held largely during daytime hours, and the weather was quite mild, it absolutely lived up to its name! For HSN, EA rolled out all our upcoming titles, including The Sims 2, for the press to get a gander at. We really wanted to just blow them away with the game by letting them see more than we had a chance to show at E3. Even though the day gets a little blurry towards the end, fear not – I was taking notes for your benefit. Here they are, completely unexpurgated:

Approximately 2PM – The press are assembled, and you can tell even now that they're impressed. You should see their jaws drop when the see the huuuuge poster for The Sims 2 that we hung in our cafeteria in their honor. Wait til they get to play the game! Oh look, Jonathan Knight just brought me a drink. Thank you, Jonathan!

Approximately 4:15 PM – People loves this game even more than they love the open bar, and that's saying something! Oh, how nice! Now Tim LeTourneau has brought me a drink! My team loves me – they keep bringing me things to drink!

Approximately 5:45 PM – I looooove you guys! You're all withour a doubt the besrest commumity in the whoooole world. Sims 2 rocks!!!!

Approximately 7:15 PM – I gotta sit down.

Approximately 7:30 - ...

[The remainder of this week's Lucy Mail will be completed by Jonathan Knight and Tim LeTourneau]

Approximately 9 PM – What an amazing success today was! While you wait for the press' reactions, we have a little Body Shop challenge for you: Using the photos included in this email as reference, create Sims of either Lucy, Tim or Jonathan and upload them to The Exchange. Then email and include a link to your creation, so we can view it. Everyone who participates will get a cool blow-up Plumb Bob, and we'll give a Sims 2 shirt to the best of the lot. You have from now until next Friday to qualify for any of the prizes, so hop to it, gang!

Don't forget to check out these pics from the big day:

The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2

Happy Simming!

Jonathan Knight & Tim LeTourneau (as proxies for Lucy Bradshaw)

15 Jul 2004 - 23:40

GameSpy has a preview online!

Read the preview!

The Sims 2

By Dave Kosak

Will Wright's cheeky life-simulator prepares to take it totally over the top.

Spiffy: New focus on long-term goals and relationships. Tons of building options.
Iffy: Will the new 3D engine may tax the patience of more casual players?

C'mere, son, and sit on my knee. I think you're old enough now to learn about the Sim Birds and Sim Bees. You see, when a mommy Sim and a daddy Sim love each other very much, they get together to make "Woo Hoo." Woo Hoo, son. Most of the time you have Woo Hoo in bed, but sometimes you can have it in a hot tub, and -- what's that? You don't understand? The mechanics of it? Well, son, you just sorta disappear under the blankets for a while and ... Woo Hoo. You'll figure it out. It's fair to say that some Sims are preoccupied with Woo Hoo. In fact, for many of us, Woo Hoo is a way of life. Anyways, after the Woo Hoo comes the babies, who look like their Sim Mommy and Sim Daddy put together, even if one of them was obviously an alien. Sim Babies all have their own needs and wants and goals that change as they grow older, until they're young adults. And then, if they're anything like your father here, they too will want Woo Hoo. All the time. With multiple partners. Who, ideally, shouldn't ever find out about one another. So ... about what you've seen today ...

In a recent interview, game designer Will Wright said that the many expansion packs for The Sims helped the design team figure out the feature set for The Sims 2. That explains a lot. The original game was an inherently cheeky take on "simulating" modern life, but the sequel goes completely over the top: we're talking about wild passion, sprawling mansions, generational conflicts, high hopes, shattered dreams, aliens and ghost stories. Not to mention copious Woo Hoo. Sims 2 is an open-ended computer toy. It looks to have everything that made the original game unique and special, but with even more of the fun stuff.

As in the original game, you'll guide the lives of little simulated families as they start a career and manage their relationships. The Sims 2 brings three new features to the table: For one, your little Sims now grow up, grow old, and even pass away from age. However, they also pass along their genes (children will look like their parents), and you can raise children from infants to adulthood, generation after generation (we talked about this a great deal in our first preview. A second new feature is new goal-oriented gameplay, where instead of micromanaging your Sims immediate needs (they pretty much eat or use the toilet on their own), you focus on their main lifetime aspirations (this was the subject of our recent E3 preview). A third new feature is the ability to take movies, to literally record video of your Sims' story, to edit or upload to share with others.

Create a Sims Story
"We've created a great intersection of storytelling and gameplay," explained Producer Jonathan Knight during our recent demo. Part of the joy of the original game was watching the life story of a family unfold, and The Sims 2 builds this into gameplay. Each of the three starting towns has its own storyline, with feuding families, strange mysteries, or unrequited love. You can also create your own (more below), setting the scene with panels of pictures and text. Every family also has its own story: troubled teens, lecherous grandpas, crazy alien babies and the like. You can create your own families and write their own stories as well, even uploading them or others to share.

The point isn't to lock players into a plotline, but rather to give them something to sink their teeth into. What happens next is completely up to the player: it's like an instant soap opera, waiting for your magic touch to start the next thrilling episode. The story-like aspect of the game is enhanced by the lifetime goals of the individual Sims, and by the limited time they have as they grow old. It's like a hundred story arcs are overlapping every time you play -- it's a whole new level of addiction.

Powerful moments in a Sim's life are not only accompanied by a dramatic cutscene, they're also remembered for later. After your teenage Sim gets her first kiss, you'll see her fondly remembering the moment for months on end. She might even talk to others about it. During our demo, a whole family of Sims saw their dad get kidnapped by aliens. Afterwards, they all talked about it with each other in loud, panicked Sim-lish voices. Sims 2 is all about telling stories -- which is why being able to save them to video is so compelling.

Goal-Oriented Gameplay
As mentioned previously, the focus of the game is on managing your Sims' long-term goals instead of their basic needs (which they now pretty much handle on their own.) Your Sim may want to pursue family, career, knowledge, fame, or love -- and he or she will get little goals along the way (such as kissing a boy she has a crush on, or getting a big promotion.) Meet these goals and your score goes up. You'll even get a rank, such as "Hormonal Hurricane" or "Towering Tycoon."

Sims that are doing poorly with their life's goals will become loose cannons, causing a lot of trouble. We saw one angry teen swinging on a refrigerator door. On the other hand, Sims who are scoring really high get a special icon above their heads and enter "platinum mode." Life is going so well for them that little setbacks (lie being bored or uncomfortable) no longer get them down. They're walking on sunshine!

Score enough points by meeting goals and your Sim will be able to purchase "Aspiration Awards," extremely special items that change the gameplay significantly. Like the money tree, pictured above. You might instead opt for "The Love Tub," a special hot tub wherein no promiscuous advance is rejected. Or the ultra-rare "elixir of life," which will prolong your Sim's existence in the world.

A Home of Your Own
Building and decorating cool houses was a major draw in the original game, so considerable effort has been put into making The Sims 2 into a more fully-featured architectural simulation. The new 3D engine helps a lot here. But the options are staggering. Not only is there more furniture than ever before, but most furniture can be reupholstered or stained in different colors. Stairways can be of any height, so you can design fun split-level homes or tiered outdoor patios. When you build a fireplace, it'll also include a chimney that'll soar up through the second floor and roof of the house. Speaking of roofs, they're now configurable: You can create roofs of any style and even define the slopes anywhere you want. Terrain can be painted onto the ground as if with an airbrush, so you can create winding outdoor paths that look natural.

The neighborhoods themselves are also configurable. There are three starting towns with families and backstories, but dozens more to pick from and populate with your own cast of crazies. You can plant trees or landscape features on the town map (including an enormous sunken stone head that looks suspiciously like game creator Will Wright.) As if that isn't enough, you can actually fire up Sim City 4 and use the terrain and road tools to create your own town map, then upload it right into The Sims 2.

Everything you create -- towns, town maps, houses, families, and more can be uploaded to the Internet with the click of a button. We figure it won't be long before the number of people and places you can download will be staggering. The online community, aggressively supported by Maxis and EA, was a big draw for the first game and they're aiming for a repeat performance.

True Tales of Sim Insanity
What will truly make The Sims 2 so entertaining is the variety of situations your Sims can find themselves in. One of the starting neighborhoods, "Veronaville," is a Shakespearean parody split by a peaceful flowing river. One side of the river is dominated by the Capp family, and features stately Tudor architecture. The other side is pastoral and filled with Mediterranean-style villas, the largest of which is occupied by the Montys. Their children, Romeo and Juliet, have a budding love affair underway, despite a generations-old family feud. Nearby, to cause even more problems, are the Summerdream family -- whose house looks suspiciously like the stage of an Elizabethan theatre -- featuring a crazily dressed Oberon and Titania. Will love bloom? Or war? What fools these Sims be!

As before, ghosts of dead Sims can come back to haunt you, but now the ghosts are even more active. If your Sim drowns, he or she might come back as a blue-tinged ghost, leaving puddles everywhere. Sims who burn to death in a fire come back as glowing red spirits who might start fires of their own. Hungry ghosts raid your fridge, and restless spirits might haunt inanimate objects. Which is good to know, should your coffee maker start hopping around the kitchen.

No relationship is too strange for the Sims, meaning if you play the game that way, you'll rapidly turn your computer into a living episode of The O.C. You can now even flirt with your local maid, cop, or fireman -- getting to know them by name, maybe even marrying. Yes, it's possible for a Sim to keep calling the fire department when there's no fire, just to hit on the hunk that comes to your house. Oh, and aliens need love too. Just another day in the life of a Sim...

The possibilities seem endless, with wide-open gameplay that allows you to shape your own Sim comedy or family drama. The team at EA is still holding fast to their September 17th release date, so the wait is wrapping up. Meanwhile, you can check out the Sims 2 Body Shop, a free application that allows you to create and modify Sim characters to upload into the game when it comes out. Stick around for more information as the game nears release!


