
12 May 2004 - 23:00
The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2

GameSpot has 5 new screenshots!

11 May 2004 - 23:30
The Sims 2 The Sims 2

Two new screenshots found in the SimInsider newsletter.

11 May 2004 - 23:20
The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2

GameSpot has a couple of new screenshots!

11 May 2004 - 23:10
The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2

New screenshots found at FilePlanet.

11 May 2004 - 23:00

It's here! The (second) most anticipated day in Sims 2 history arrives with the release of The Sims 2 Body Shop! Create customized friends and family 'til your heart's content. You won't believe the control you'll have over Sims creation with The Sims 2 Body Shop. Tailor your Sims in The Sims 2 Body shop until they're perfect, and then upload them onto our Sims 2 Showcase, so others can see your handiwork!

Go To The Exchange

8 May 2004 - 23:30

New E3 trailer, from the official UK site!

8 May 2004 - 23:20
The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2

IGN has 5 new screenshots!

8 May 2004 - 23:10
The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2

New screenshots from the official Swedish site!

8 May 2004 - 23:00

Hi Everyone!

The coming week is a major milestone for The Sims 2, and things have hotted up here in the Maxis office! The entire Sims 2 team is focused with a laser-like clarity on making sure that The Sims 2 demo that the public sees at next week's vast landscape of video gaming bliss, The Electronic Entertainment Expo, stands heads, shoulders, and plumb-bob's above the competition! Stay tuned for more information on interviews with yours truly on IGN, and a live interview with The Man Behind The Curtain, Will Wright, on Gamespot

But wait - there's more! You've been waiting for this one with baited breath for some time, and the day is almost here. That's right, the release of The Sims 2 Body Shop is well-nigh, and we couldn't be more thrilled to offer the public the opening salvo in our Sims 2 arsenal. With The Sims 2 Body Shop, you can build and customize Sims 'til your heart's content, with the comfort of knowing that your creations will soon be playable in The Sims 2.

Oh, and the customizability! Build the face and body of your dreams, with an incredible degree of control. Want a slightly longer nose? No problem! Firmer tummy? Piece of cake (without the calories)! What about day-glo lizard skin and a t-shirt emblazoned with your smilin' visage? That's right - all these things are possible with The Sims 2 Body Shop. We can't wait til you get your hands on it, and we sure hope you can't wait either!

So, like I said, next week is a big one for Maxis. We hope you enjoy it as much as we will.

Signing Off,

Lucy Bradshaw

The Very Tired Sims 2 Executive Producer

6 May 2004 - 23:10

DJ Lucy Bradshaw drops a little mp3 musical montage on you so you can get a feel for just what sort of sounds will be pumping out your speakers when you finally pop that Sims 2 cd in your computers cd tray.

Download Musical Montage MP3


