
10 Nov 2010 - 22:00

Here’s your chance for your Sims to make headlines! Create your own tabloid headline using screenshots from your game and share them on Facebook, Twitter, or email!

Create your headline
See some examples from fellow Simmers

8 Nov 2010 - 22:00

For the first time ever at The Sims 3 Store laundry machines are now available!

Gather your linens, delicates, and unmentionables – it’s laundry time! Go easy on the soap and make sure someone’s lipstick doesn’t make it into the washing machine.

Whether it's the Ultra Lounge Laundry, Bayside Laundry, or I Heart the 50's Laundry appliances, The Sims 3 Store will have the items you need to keep your Sims fresh and clean! Or, get them all with the Loads of Laundry set! Who says doing laundry will never be in vogue? Spin cycle is IN.

Get Clean Today!

The Sims 3 The Sims 3
The Sims 3 The Sims 3
4 Nov 2010 - 22:00

Customize your game in all-new ways with these brand new sets!

No need to book a trip to claim these beautiful treasures from a far away land. With the Morocco Mystique, Cante Captivating and Western Kingdom Decor + Fashion Sets, you can turn any home into an oasis!

Animals Abound takes on the outdoors! Scamper your way through the fiercely adorable jungle of critters with the all-new Animals Abound Playground Set!

Surround your fabulous self with gorgeous surroundings. Show off your luxurous lifestyle with the glammed-up fashions and furniture featured in the Glitter and Glam + Diva and Divo Set!

FREE Holiday Gift Set! Check out the More Holiday Presents Set for gifts that remind us to bundle up and spend time with friends and family!

Start Shopping Now!

The Sims 3 The Sims 3
The Sims 3 The Sims 3
The Sims 3 The Sims 3
The Sims 3
3 Nov 2010 - 22:00

Attention Simmers! This month, EA Game Cards are coming to the following retailers:

GameStop: 11/1
Safeway: 11/15
7-Eleven: 11/16

Use the EA Game card to get SimPoints so that you can shop at The Sims 3 Store. The Sims 3 Store offers hundreds of exclusive items and room sets that you won't find anywhere else. From hairstyles and outfits to furniture and architectural items, customize your Sims' worlds in all-new ways. Get your EA Game Card Now!”

Find the nearest EA Game Card Location Now!

27 Oct 2010 - 08:50

It's almost here. Just a few more days until The Sims 3 Late Night will be in stores. EA just released a new trailer. In this video, the Sims from the new town Bridgeport make headlines.

26 Oct 2010 - 23:10

Quick! Grab your mobile phone and text 'Sims' to 24470 for an offer* for The Sims!

(*While Supplies Last for a limited time only. Message & Data rates may apply)

Text 'Sims' to 24470 Now!

26 Oct 2010 - 23:00

To install this update, please start your game and use the "Updates" tab in your Launcher.

This game update includes:

Base Game Updates

  • Players can now suppress Opportunities by selecting the Opportunities Suppression check box in the Game Options menu. This means players can still get opportunities through interactions, but no opportunities will be automatically directed towards the player.
  • The game can now detect downloaded content and use these objects in Sims' dreams, opportunities, etc.
  • Live Mode
    • Sims can now form groups with one or more other Sims to stay linked to each other while out and about in the world.
    • Players can now set lights purchased from Buy Mode as a "black light."
  • Create a Sim
    • Players can now adjust a Sim's muscle definition and breast size.
    • New Sims can now have an Astrological Sign assigned.
  • Build/Buy Mode
    • Players can now use the Platform Tool to create stages and other elevated spaces.
    • Half Walls can now be created and placed on lots.
    • Urinals can now be purchased and placed in addition to toilets!
    • Using new rounded corners and size adjustments, players now have more control over the shapes and sizes of swimming pools.
    • Swimming pools are no longer restricted to being built on the ground floor. They can now be built on multiple other levels of a structure.
    • Players can now create fountains on Residential and Community lots throughout the world by using the Fountain Tool.
  • Edit Town
    • Players can now place the Public Sounds wall stereo on Community Lots to set and play continuous music throughout a community lot.
  • Additional bug fixes to existing features

World Adventures

  • Additional bug fixes and polish to existing features


  • Additional bug fixes and polish to existing features

Before installing an Update for The Sims 3, an Expansion Pack, or a Stuff Pack, it is a good idea to run through the following checklist to ensure your game continues to work smoothly.

If you have any questions about the below steps, please visit the Technical Support forum on the official Sims 3 community found at this URL:

Step 1: Disable Custom Content

Custom Content is all Sims content that did not come from an official The Sims 3 Update, The Sims 3 Store, Expansion Pack, or Stuff Pack. Custom Content is created by 3rd Party Developers that are not regulated by Electronic Arts or The Sims 3 Development Team and may not work with new updates. Custom Content may cause the game to behave unexpectedly or not function entirely.

To disable your custom content, undo whatever you did to install this content to get your game back into an unmodified state. If you placed it in a Sims 3 directory folder, move it to a new folder that is outside your Sims 3 file directory. Your Sims 3 file directory can be found using the paths listed below:

  • Windows File Directory: C:\Documents and Settings\USER\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3
  • Mac File Directory: User/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims/

Once you have installed the official update you may re-enable your custom content. If you experience problems, disable it again until the 3rd party developer updates their content to work with the official Update, Expansion Pack, or Stuff Pack.

Step 2: Back Up your Save Files

It's always a good precaution to back up your save files before installing an Expansion Pack, Update, or Stuff Pack. To do this, copy the ".sims3" folders found in the Saves folder onto your desktop or another file directory.

Your Sims 3 Saves folder can be found using the paths listed below:

  • Windows File Directory: C:\Documents and Settings\USER\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Saves
  • Mac File Directory: User/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims/Saves

After the Update is installed, run the game to verify your saves still function correctly.

Step 3: Let the Update Complete Entirely

Updates can sometimes be rather large and may take a while to download and install completely. Cancelling the update before it has completed may cause unexpected problems, so it is always best to let it finish entirely. Do not close the Launcher until you have confirmed the update is completely installed, as this will cancel the update.

26 Oct 2010 - 09:50

Electronic Arts Nederland en Codename Future starten op 21 oktober met 'De Sims™3 in de klas' een pilot van het landelijk programma Natuur & Milieu Educatie op de eerste van vijf middelbare scholen in Nederland. Voor het eerst in Nederland wordt een bekende videogame, die niet specifiek als lesmateriaal is ontwikkeld, gebruikt in het onderwijs.

In de leeromgeving van Codename Future is een lessenserie gebouwd over duurzaamheid op basis van De Sims™3. Jongeren in leerjaar 2 en 3 van VMBO /HAVO / VWO, in de leeftijd van 13 en 16 jaar oud, zullen zich verdiepen in de natuur en milieu thema's water, energie, groen, afval, CO2 en de samenhang daartussen. Met de aanschaf van duurzame producten in De Sims™3 wereld zoeken de leerlingen naar een balans tussen energie, water, groen en afval.

Met het project 'De Sims™3 in de klas' brengt Codename Future een creatieve, innovatieve en leuke manier om NME aan te bieden. Games spelen een belangrijke factor in het leven van 13 tot 16 jarigen; De Sims™3 biedt uitstekende mogelijkheden om ingezet te worden in het onderwijs. De Sims™3 is een populaire videogame waarmee spelers een omgeving kunnen creëren en het leven daarin kunnen besturen.

"De zeer realistische game, in combinatie met een uitdagende online lessenserie, leent zich bij uitstek voor het bijbrengen van verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel voor mens en maatschappij en past daarom uitstekend bij het NME onderwijs, dat dezelfde ambitie heeft. Dit project is een unieke kans om de kloof die er bestaat tussen school en vrije tijd te overbruggen", aldus Geeske Steeneken, directeur van Codename Future.

"Met dit project proberen we een nog breder draagvlak voor De Sims™3 en het spelen van games te creëren. Leerlingen en leerkrachten kunnen op een leerzame en speelse wijze, samen met De Sims, milieubewust aan de slag gaan.", aldus Pien Ooms senior product manager Electronic Arts Nederland.

In december 2010 is de pilot van NME met De Sims™3 afgerond en worden de behaalde resultaten openbaar gemaakt. Vanaf dat moment kunnen alle scholen in heel Nederland met het lesmateriaal aan de slag. Voor meer informatie over het landelijk programma NME, bezoek Ga naar voor meer informatie over De Sims™3. Meer informatie over Codename Future kunt u vinden op

22 Oct 2010 - 23:10

The Sims Studio will be hosting its first ever Town Hall tonight at 7 P.M. (PDT) in San Francisco. For those of you who can’t make it, tune into our Facebook and Twitter pages for live updates.

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22 Oct 2010 - 23:00

Hurry to The Sims 3 Store’s Daily Deal to grab a 2000 SimPoint bundle at an amazing price! Act now before the Daily Deal is gone, the offer is only good while supplies last.

Get Your Deal Now!


